Friday, February 24, 2012

These drugs are inhibitors of tumor necrosis

Our immune system is an amazing network of working from simple to very complex levels. The purpose of this system is to protect us from our environment and to observe any loss early in our cells. Sometimes, however, the system goes awry, and eliminates false signals. As a result, our defense did not recognize our own body of work, and begin to attack cells. This leads to a disease called autoimmune (self-immune) diseases, such as

(joint inflammation)

(known as lupus, inflammatory disease of connective tissue) and

(inflammation of the vessel body). When our immune system is confused, it can cause damage to our own body. Genetic background and specific environmental factors such as smoking may increase the risk of the patient to develop autoimmune diseases. New biological therapies specifically damaged components of our immune system, as thinly as possible. What the immune system? The immune system can detect and destroy foreign invaders (bacteria, viruses, fungi, etc.) and review our own cells lasix fluid pill to prevent their uncontrolled growth (cancer and other diseases). Its complexity and ability to protect us striking. The system can be divided into congenital (born with) and adaptive (developed through life) systems. The immune system is an evolutionary ancient system quickly reacts to danger, the bad cells and infectious invaders such as bacteria and viruses. Cells of the immune system try to destroy foreign intruders, surrounding them and produce toxic molecules. The immune system also produces signals that recruit other immune cells to enter the battle. Adaptive immune system has recently evolved response that takes several days to develop, but also allows the immune system more specifically foreign invaders. It does this by activating B and T cells, and the development of antibodies. This adaptive response to infection allowing the immune system to remember that the attacker, so if another attack occurs, the immune response more quickly and efficiently. There are times however, when the balance is disturbed in some way. The immune system can not determine which cells are normal, and that deviation. Now confused immune system can cause damage to our joints, muscles, blood vessels and kidneys. This leads to a disease called autoimmune (self-immune) diseases, such as

(joint inflammation)

(known as lupus, inflammatory disease of connective tissue) and

(inflammation of the vessel body). What leads to change? Why this happens is not clear. Some of these diseases, blood vessels of innocent passers-by. In our body fight the virus (eg hepatitis C), we form antibodies and, together, antibodies and antigens to collect in the blood vessels, causing inflammation. This causes inflammatory disease, the degree of which depends on where and how the blood vessels involved. There are also genetic factors that influence our immune response, as is the case with rheumatoid arthritis. In patients with a genetic marker called HLA DR4 are at increased risk of developing rheumatoid arthritis. However, more sophisticated studies have shown that this is only part of the story, and that other immune and genetic variables control how the disease responds. In patients with this genetic component, external stimuli (eg, viruses or even smoke) causes immune system to react a certain way. When genetics enters the picture, it causes the immune response, rheumatoid arthritis, collecting the cells in the lining of the joint and other countries.multiple sclerosis immune system Similar processes occur in systemic lupus erythematosus. Genetic background and environmental features, creates a situation in which the person is a patient at increased risk of developing one of these diseases. How to diagnose autoimmune diseases? Autoimmune disease is very difficult to diagnose and correct treatment must be carefully chosen for the right disease at the right time. Each diagnosis requires a thorough history and physical examination, and often many laboratory tests. If the patient is biopsy of the skin or other body systems may be needed. If you need treatment, medications used may include corticosteroids such as cortisone and other drugs such as methotrexate. These drugs may affect the immune system so careful monitoring of side effects is important. Only a doctor experienced with these drugs and diseases should follow the methods of treatment. The doctor will examine the combination of medical history including your family members with autoimmune diseases, physical examination and results of medical tests such as blood samples for diagnosis. It will probably include an appeal to the rheumatologist. As autoimmune disease treated? A key component of these diseases include our own immune system which contributes to the disease. Thus, therapy targeting our own immune system may help relieve themselves of the disease. New therapies directed against small molecules that control our own immune system. These drugs are inhibitors of tumor necrosis factor (TNF), IL1, and others. Using specific targeted therapy against specific messengers, we can change our immune response, both for good and for ill. Any changes in the immune system can control the disease, but also could expose us to various risks such as infection, which should be updated to your rheumatologist. Autoimmune disease can be difficult to diagnosis and treatment choice very difficult. Rheumatologist trained to diagnose and treat these diseases. In patients receiving therapy with new biological must be carefully checked for side effects to achieve a positive result. The list of rheumatologists in your area. Learn more about and. American College of Rheumatology has made this list to give you a starting point for your own additional research. ACR does not endorse or support these sites and is not responsible for any information or claims provided on them. It is always best to talk with your rheumatologist for more information and before making any decisions about your treatment. Updated June 2008 by Erika Heidi Noss, MD, PhD and Jonathan Scott Coblyn, MD, and reviewed American College of Rheumatology patient education task force. This patient newsletter intended for general education only. People should contact a qualified physician for professional medical advice, diagnosis and treatment of medical or health condition. | |

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